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Night Players by P.D. Cacek

[Night  Players]"Meet Allison Garrett, the unluckiest gal who ever became a vampire, with an irreverently sharp tongue to go along with her sharp teeth. Meet her sidekick, Mica, a Bible-thumping street corner preacher. Both of them are on the run from the catty coven of L.A. strip-club vampire vixens they narrowly escaped from in P.D. Cacek's Stoker Award nominated debut novel Night Prayers. Hiding out in Las Vegas, Allison's now a night-shift showgirl, while Mica tries in vain to bring the good book to gamblers, crooks and hookers. And everything's as idyllic as it can be for a preacher and a vampire setting up house in sin city. Till the evil vampire that cruelly turned Allison shows up along with his bloodthirsty minions, and it'll take more than a gambler's luck to save Allison and Mica this time!" (from Amazon.com)

Paperback Info: ISBN 1891946110, Design Image Group, 2001

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