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Interview with author E.B. Hood

E.B. Hood
E.B. Hood

You are new to writing and are really enjoying it. What made you decide to become a writer?

My brother… he was the writer, but he only finished one short story before he passed away from a brain tumor. I, on the other hand, have always been a storyteller. I came up with this story years ago, hoping that my brother would write it. Sadly, he became too sick and passed away Nov 18 2009. Last November I was reminiscing with my son and decided that I would try to live his dream and write a book.

What made you decide to write a vampire novel?

A vampire steals life and cheats death, then becomes everything we yearn to be - young, beautiful, powerful and fearless. To gain these things, all a vampire has to do is take another's life, so they can live. I love fantasy that has been weaved into the backdrop of reality. I love “Dracula,” but one problem I have always had with the older, classic vampire stories, is that they are heavy with Catholicism. I believe in God, I know that you don't have to have a cross for him to show up; or having one doesn't ensure he will show up. I like the idea that vampires may have a choice to behave however they please – with room for goodness in their hearts – and these choices make for in-depth stories.

Did you find it difficult writing a female lead character?

No, but I was nervous about doing it. I have a young daughter, and all my great fears for women are in this book. I have a hard time forgiving anyone who miss treats women, so that is why I felt so strongly generic ambien a women point of view. In the end I just let the character come to life in my mind, and the story came natural to me.

Where did you get the inspiration for the main characters of your book?

Melabeth came to life from the story, some of the other characters I have made up in the telling of other stories, but they were verbal stories. Some of the characters came to life in the book, like Carrie. She was only suppose to be in one chapter, but my wife loved her, so, she here to stay.

How did you decide what other types of supernatural beings to include in the story?

I have always loved magic, from The Lord of the Rings, to Harry Potter. I also love monster books, so I included what I love of the supernatural as I weaved my fantasy into the backdrop of realty.

If you had to choose a favourite from your own characters, outside of Melabeth, who would it be?

Alice - she is my oldest nightmare. I created this character over 18 years ago and she has never really changed in my mind. What I like about her is she is a child with extreme power. And let's face it, if I a child wanted something bad enough, and could take it, they would.  Alice’s character raises several questions: What would happen if a child had more power than anyone could control? And would that make her evil, or just a child with no boundaries?

Who are some of your favourite authors and why?

J.R.R. Tolkien and many more. It's hard to list all the authors that I have enjoyed over the years, but Tolkien stands out. One reason is because his stories filled with rich plots. Having an imagination, or having great ideas are only a few things necessary to make a great series. I believe that studying Tolkien’s work has greatly influenced me to ensure I spend a great deal of time writing my “Melabeth” world with many details. I haven't spent a fraction of the time he did on the Lord of the Rings, but I used a shortcut by writing my book in our world. I hope that my story is able to hold a small flame to his as far as consistency and fluency in the series.

Finally, can you give us a taste of what's to come in your second novel?

“Melabeth, Forgive Me For I Am Sin,” is the second installment of this series. Melabeth picks up where the last book left off, and is thrust further into a world filled with legends and myths. She finds friends and falls head-first into a romance only to have a choice put in front of her - love or revenge. The choice she makes could cost a lot more than her lover. Her family’s forgiveness may be her only path for redemption, but will she be able to forgive herself.

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me E.B. and all the best in your future writing!

View E.B. Hood's first novel Melabeth listed at The Vampire Library


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