Vampire Books Listed.

Crimson Moon by J. A. Saare

Crimson Moon

"An average morning is what Emma Johnson envisions when she visits Joe's Café for a steaming cup of coffee. But the world isn't the place she imagined it to be, and neither is she... After Emma is rescued from a horde of bloodthirsty creatures, she discovers she is the daughter of a powerful Vampire from the House Deviard, her rescuer, Caleb, having been sent to see her safely home. For Caleb is also unique, a werewolf procured to protect the royal Vampiric bloodlines from harm - but nothing more. Soon, the undeniable connection Emma and Caleb share evolves beyond attraction into something unexpected. When she is forced to make a choice, what path will she take - vampire or wolf?" (Summary from Amazon.com)

Paperback Info: ISBN 16015473155, The Wild Rose Press, May 2010

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